DS-160 travel question: how to fill in travel dates when traveling from US to India


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I am traveling from US to India in the month of March, 2015 and returning in April of the same year. I need to fill Form DS-160 since my visa was renewed here in the US and needs US Embassy's stamp of approval in India. Now the way online Form DS-160 is set up, it assumes that the applicant is traveling from a foreign country to US and doesn't let you enter the travel dates if you are traveling from US to a foreign country. I am traveling from US to India and therefore Form D-160 is rejecting my travel dates and is giving me this error: Date of Departure from U.S. cannot be earlier than Date of Arrival in U.S.


Has anyone ever encountered this situation before? If yes, I'll appreciate if you could help me with this query of mine.


Thank you,



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Thank you for your reply and you are right, it's the petition to stay that gets renewed and not visa. If I fill in the travel date from India to US, as you mentioned, the form prompts me to fill in the travel date for traveling from US to India. In one of the previous forum discussion on this website, which I found out later, a gentleman had asked the same question and it was deduced during the discussion that the travel date for US to India can be a tentative date before the expiry of the stay in the US as on the applicant's I-94. Is this right?

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