Query regarding H1B contract


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I have a query regarding H1B for my spouse. She is a physical therapist and has got license in NJ/NY. We have shortlisted a couple of contractors who are willing to sponsor her H1B. These seem to be legitimate contractors who pay on time and who pay always (as is the requirement of H1B).


Q -- These employers have contracts which states that if one leaves/terminates H1B with them before 3yr period, then they have to pay certain amount (mostly ranges from $10-30K). Are these contracts legal and valid ?  


Also, it seems Murthy forum had a link which stated that H4 visa work-permit could be a possibility in Jan'2015. Do you guys have any idea whats the latest on that? Is that timeframe really realistic (In case you have talked to someone as feel that many people might be in the same boat as myself). ?



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No these are just fake things that these people try to impose on people. There is nothing like these contracts. H1B process is so much complex. You need to talk to an immigration attorney. Only they can give you the right suggestion. These indian consulting people are very cruel people. They take advantage of innocent people. When ever you come to USA you can transfer your H1B visa to a different company. Once the transfer is done you can change the employer. You will need to get stamped again. When ever you change the employer through new visa petition you need not to inform the previous employer. Just change your phone no and change your residence. You need not to keep relations with them any more. Treat them the way they treat you.

I hope you understand how things work.

No body can bind you to do something like that.

Best of luck.


Second the new law is coming soon. Hopefully it will be in 2015. What I have heard about the new proposed rule for H4 is that if your GC has been filed while you are on H1B then there is going to be an option to work for H4 people.

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