Multiple H1Bs


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I have 2 offer letters from 2 different employers. Both the employers are ready to file H1B for me. I have a few questions based on this.

1. Is it legal to have more than 1 H1Bs filed for a person?

2. Does this situation increase my chance of getting selected in lottery?

3. Hypothetically, what happens if both of my applications gets picked up in lottery?


Thanks in advance !

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I have 2 offer letters from 2 different employers. Both the employers are ready to file H1B for me. I have a few questions based on this.

1. Is it legal to have more than 1 H1Bs filed for a person?

2. Does this situation increase my chance of getting selected in lottery?

3. Hypothetically, what happens if both of my applications gets picked up in lottery?


Thanks in advance !

1. Yes

2. Shouldn't be

3. Both gets approved.

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Multiple H1bs from different employers is legal.

There is no evidence from USCIS showing that they shortlist the petitions on beneficiary's name. So multiple applications means more chances.

If both approved, you would need to chose at least one employer and maintain your H1b status with them. Ignore that other approved one. You ate the other applicants fortune. Those holes wont fill again. 

Just be aware, paying H1b fees to employer is illegal.

Other employers may ask you H1b money if you don't join them. Its legal or not, that's different debate. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can you point me to a USCIS source which states that multiple applications doesn't increase the chances?


Hope springs eternal, eh?

The process internal, they don't say how exactly they are conducting the lottery.

However, it is based on observation that if people have multiple applications, either all or none are selected. That implies that they are counted as one in the lottery.

Of course, you can try multiple applications, and get RFEs and get all of them denied. Helps others...

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