Nuevo Laredo, Mexico Mas transit contact number


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Drove to Neuvo Laredo from San Antonio - took about 3 hrs 

Booked room at Crown Plaza.  ( )

Got my fingerprints done on Friday ( Appt time : 11:00 AM )

  They don't have any place to check-in your bags or laptops or cellphones. So don't carry any additional items. 

   Its about couple of minutes walk from Crown Plaza.


Monday ( VISA Interview scheduled at 11:00 AM ).

  Walked to the US Consulate from Crown Plaza. About 2-5 min walk from Hotel.

  Visa interview process took longer than what I have noticed in Chennai.

  First step, someone would verify all the details.


Visa Officer asked me these questions:

  1. What kind of work do you do?

   2. Have you had VISA before?.

   3. What did you study.


Then made the comment, " I assume you want your passport back today.". 

Absolutely Yes reply..


I noticed ton of cops around the US Consulate almost felt like you are in some kind of Military zone. 

I personally haven't seen anything like that in past 15 years in US and it was different experience.


I didn't venture out doing lot of stuff. If you are just staying at Hotel and getting your VISA Stamping done, probably its good to visit Neuvo Laredo. 


If not, I would recommend get it done in India itself. I don't see any advantages here. For me , Its proximity and I don't want to spend my vacation time doing this.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi I90Runner, 


Thanks for this very useful info. Is it fine to drive your car across the border? 




Drove to Neuvo Laredo from San Antonio - took about 3 hrs 

Booked room at Crown Plaza.  ( )

Got my fingerprints done on Friday ( Appt time : 11:00 AM )

  They don't have any place to check-in your bags or laptops or cellphones. So don't carry any additional items. 

   Its about couple of minutes walk from Crown Plaza.


Monday ( VISA Interview scheduled at 11:00 AM ).

  Walked to the US Consulate from Crown Plaza. About 2-5 min walk from Hotel.

  Visa interview process took longer than what I have noticed in Chennai.

  First step, someone would verify all the details.


Visa Officer asked me these questions:

  1. What kind of work do you do?

   2. Have you had VISA before?.

   3. What did you study.


Then made the comment, " I assume you want your passport back today.". 

Absolutely Yes reply..


I noticed ton of cops around the US Consulate almost felt like you are in some kind of Military zone. 

I personally haven't seen anything like that in past 15 years in US and it was different experience.


I didn't venture out doing lot of stuff. If you are just staying at Hotel and getting your VISA Stamping done, probably its good to visit Neuvo Laredo. 


If not, I would recommend get it done in India itself. I don't see any advantages here. For me , Its proximity and I don't want to spend my vacation time doing this.

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