H1b year 7 extension


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Stayed in US with L1 visa 2.5 years and moved to H1B visa  stayed 2 years for the first  H1 Employer,Now moved to second H1 B employer and reached 5th year in H1B only 1 year is left on H1b out of six years. Present employer started  privilege wage determination process . Please let me know the PERM process and processing times .is there is any possibility to get H1b 7th  year visa extension?





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As per current status , PERM takes around 6 to 9 months to get approved. once PERM is approved and I140 is applied and pending status with in this 1 yr period, you can get the 7th yr extension. So the sooner you apply for PERM is better ....



Thanks for you reply.


My Question is  privilege wage determination process is consider as the part of Labour certification.

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reached 5th year in H1B only 1 year is left on H1b out of six years. Present employer started  privilege wage determination process .

  It is called prevailing wage determination.

This is one of the many steps before PERM can be filed. Based on your current progress  it does not look like PERM will be filed a full 365 days before your 6 years runs out. So your only hope is PERM approval and I-140 in premium processing before 6 yrs are over to get  7th year extension.

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