Attestation from Indian embassy - Cover Letter


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Hey guys,


I am pursuing my PhD in The Netherlands and recently did an internship in US so am subject to rule 212e. I have the required forms attested and notarized from the Indian embassy here, but am having trouble understanding where exactly to send these forms in India to. MHRD is crystal clear ofcourse, but all Indian embassies in the US also clearly mention something like:


"...On receipt of attested forms from the Embassy  of India, send two originals each to the following  address (Please read carefully the covering letter from the Embassy which would provide you addresses of the offices where you need to send your documents)..."


I wanted to ask if Indian embassies in US do actually give out some kind of information about the state agencies/offices/officer where I should be sending my forms to? I am from Madhya Pradesh. If they do give out such a letter and the specifics for MP is in there, would greatly appreciate if someone could share it.

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Home Department 
Passport Office 

The Principal Secretary to government 

Regional Passport officer 
Department of Home 
Passport Office
Govt of Madhya Pradesh 
Gangotri Complex, 2nd Floor 
Vallabh Bhawan
T.T. Nagar 
Bhopal - 462 004 

Bhopal - 462 003 

Madhya Pradesh , India
Madhya Pradesh , India

I am not 100% sure about this information. Double check.

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