This BIG DRAMA called "CLIENT LETTER" for h1b stamping!


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So as per the memorandum released back in the unfortunate year of already suffering h1b employees in 2009 by USCIS ==> the whole drama about employer-employee relationship and **** ==> i fail to understand this drama and outcry at embassies around the world about a so called "Client letter" i.e. nothing but a joke to me. 


Everyone knows, you are getting paid by your desi employer, who eats from the prime vendor who eats from the client -  no rocket science here, what is VO's problem when their own uscis bank accounts are exploding with dollars --> thanks to thousands of h1b's and meaningless RFE's ==> why create another issue and make us slave to your so called rules of stamping, so that we miss our cousin's weddings, don't even wed ourselves, miss our grand-father's last rights while standing at their demise and what not. We are really sick and tired of this whole fuss, desi's have a mentality of "continue to suffer" and hence we always get slapped over and over again. In india, politicians loot us and here these democrats/republicans = same thing.


To all those people who will vouch for join a full-time be a corporate slave, sorry, i am not interested, you make your 50k/year and enjoy your life in the villages of Iowa with a rotten stamp in your passport.


Anyways, had to just vent out about this whole client letter drama that in reality has no meaning and is purely a gimmick. 

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Stop your ranting ...... If you dont like the system you can GO BACK TO INDIA nobody is stopping you.

I think USCIS is more intelligent than you thats the reason you are so frustrated. Desi's have a tendency to exploit and thats what all these consultanies do, i am pretty sure you never read any H-1B rules maybe you should read before you go on a rant next time.

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Everyone knows, you are getting paid by your desi employer, who eats from the prime vendor who eats from the client -  no rocket science here, what is VO's problem when their own uscis bank accounts are exploding with dollars --> thanks to thousands of h1b's and meaningless RFE's ==> why create another issue and make us slave to your so called rules of stamping, so that we miss our cousin's weddings, don't even wed ourselves, miss our grand-father's last rights while standing at their demise and what not. We are really sick and tired of this whole fuss, desi's have a mentality of "continue to suffer" and hence we always get slapped over and over again.

No one forced you to stay with your desi employer, you can change your employer at any time. No one forced you to take up a job in US, if you don't like it then find a country where you have your own set of rules.


If you don't like the system then try to change, but don't come up with your silly excuses.

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It is completely irrelevant if you understand things or not.

Once you educate yourself about these things, you would understand. Obviously, your employer is a shady consulting company. The client letter requirement is about making sure the employer follows the law. An H1 is not for some staffing company, never has been.

And ranting about it is not going to change anything.

You need the client letter. Period. End of story.

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