Very Very Urgent L1 to H1


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Hi All,


Kindly help me out on this.


I am on L1 visa (expired ) working for X company and I have valid i-94 visa until june 2015.  I have applied H1 through Y and it is approved with COS effective from Oct 1,2014. Unfortunately the client for which my H1 employer -Y has applied is put the project on hold. So right now I do not have project to join. since Oct 1,2014 is almost here, my H1 employer Y is suggesting to be with L1 employer-X till I get the project. Also, H1 Employer - Y told that I just need to apply for leave and continue with L1 employer-X.


Is that correct that I can stay with L1 employer-X  beyond COS effective date Oct 1, 2014 by giving/applying leave?


Please help me with this. Appreciate your help.

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