OPT employment questions


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Dear Sir/Ma'am, I have just graduated from my MBA in May 2014 and I have a week left for the 90 day unemployment period to get exhausted. I have spoken with people around me and non-profits and these are the questions I have.


1. Could I volunteer with a for profit company? A friend of mine and his wife have a consultancy firm and consult with various companies. They are willing to take me in as an unpaid intern to do some work from them. They have never had such a role in their company before and will not be taking in interns in the future and will be doing this just to help me out. I will be working for 21 hours a week for them (above the stipulated 20 hours required during OPT employment).  Is this all right and would it fulfill the OPT requirement? Would working remotely be all right? I will be travelling to his office occasionally. Also, since this is an unpaid internship at a for profit company (considering they've never had interns and don't intend to in future), would that be all right under Labor Law? The work will be related to my major and field of education. 


2. Could I do a similar internship and volunteer at a non-profit? 


I would much appreciate a response as I am in a stressful situation and barely have a week left to fulfill the 90 day requirement. Thanks so very much!

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