Is re-stamping required if employer is changed on H1?


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I have a valid visa till Feb2016 with company 'X'. I am planning to move to a new company. Do I need to go for visa stamping once again after moving to new company? 


Some forums say that it is not required to go for visa stamping once again if there is valid visa. Can someone answer to my query.




As long as your current H1B visa is valid at the time of travel there is no need for new visa. All you need in addition to valid H1B visa is valid I797.

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No need to go for visa stamping again after moving to new need to carry H1b transfer approval along with this visa to gain entry at POE until Feb'16. Remember that H1b visa stamp is only an entry document to get into US. Once you transfer to new company, with approved H1b petition, you would continue working with new company until the expiration of that H1b petition. 

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Your existing visa stamp will remain valid till the date you mentioned.


You should wait to get new I-797 from the new company before you travel. (Although filing petition confirmation will also work but it is recommended to wait till you get I-797 for travel)


You need to carry both I-797 with you whenever you travel. I did something similar some time back and this is what I was told by my new company.


You can double check with your new petitioner/company.

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