Crediantial Evaluation


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Submit an Evaluation official who has authority to grant college-level credit for traning and/or experiance in the specialty of computer system analyst.The Evaluation must be from an accredited college or university  that has a program for granting such credit in the field of study based on an individuals training/or work experience


Note: college or university professors writing evaluations as consultants on behalf of private edicatiobals credentials evaluation firm will not satisfy this requirement as regulations limit the scope of their evaluation to only foreign education


The evaluation by an official,preferably the registrar of a college or university must be on behalf (on the letter head) of the college or univ..where they employed and have authority to grant college credit for training or exp..A private educationals credentials evaluation service may not evalute ans aliens work exp or training.." because regualtions limit the scope of educational credential evaluators to evaluation only foreing education..


and also provide a letter from the registrar of the inst(on the inst letter head) to establish that the particular evaluating official is authorized to grant college levl credit on behalf of their insti..and that the evaluator holds a bachelors degree in the field of study he or she is evaluating

further provide written verification or other documents or records to clearly Substantaite that th evaluator is actualy employeed by the claimed college or university


equivalency examination:submit the results of the recgnized college level equivalency examinations or special credit prog.


certification bya professional association: submit the evidence of the certification froma nationally recognzed professional assocaton or society for the specialty thats is know to grant certification or registartion to persons in the occupatinal specialt who have achieved a certain level of competence in the specialty


How this RFE is safe for the employe...How many chances to get approval for this RFE..Pl Reply...

I asked my employeer regarding this RFE  he told that we submitted all the documents chances of rejection..all such RFE's are quiet no need to worry he responded with me...

My Education is Science)

Masters Degree In Computer Networking 


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