Visa Approved on Aug 19th in Kingston Jamaica.


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Hi My visa interview was scheduled on Aug 19th 8:00 Am, I reached there by 7 :00 Am stapled the docs. Done with the security check and given my finger prints by 9:15 Am and waiting for my inerview turn.


Finally at 11:30 Am that precious moments came. Before me he rejected couple of Jamaicans. So I was bit nervous. But when I went to him I went with confidence.


Me: GM officer


VO: When did you came here


VO: Did you do your masters


VO: Which University


VO: What are you doing now?




And Finally he said VISA APPROVED. That was real quick and didn't even open my file.

And he asked me to pick my passport on thursday at 2:00 pm. I met with couple of India friends came for same purpose and everyone got there visa approved. 



Thanks for  Murthy forum and the users for sharing there experiences that was very helpful.If you have questions or concerns regarding interview or accommodation let me know, I am happy to share the info.


Good Luck guys







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Hi Swathi,


Thanks for your post. That's helpful :)


Do you have any idea how long it usually takes to get your passport back?


I am planning to travel to Jamaica soon , not sure how many days i have to stay there.



Hi Usha,


Sorry for the late response,  I was busy during my trip just reached my home. Once you done with your interview it might take 2 days to get your passport back. For example if you have your interview on monday they are asking to pick passport on wednesday. So you can book your return flight on thursday if you dont have any site seeing plans. That is kinda 2 days.

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