SEVIS Termination Threat


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I am a student in University of xxx. I joined the University in Spring Semester (January) of 2014. My semester started in January and ended in April. I registered myself for Fall Semester and planned to take the Summer vacation off like everyone else. Then I found out as per this University, when you take a vacation, you must leave the US and go to your home country or to any other country but you cannot stay in the USA. I chose to stay here because I dont want to and cannot afford to spend 2k to 3k for a trip I dont want to take. Now my DSO is threatening to terminate my SEVIS.


What should I do?

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is not really a rule. What university are you enrolled in? You can tell the DSO that you will report her to the school authorities.

You are free to stay here during the summer without enrollment.


The rule is that it is possible to stay during summer recess if the person intends to enroll in fall.

That is so fundamental that every DSO should know that.

I don't know what university this is, but I have never seen a university where the DSO didn't know such a fundamental thing.

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