Denied I 765


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Before graduating from my Masters program I applied for an OPT.

My DSO placed the recommendnation in SEVIS on October 31. She mailed my documents on November the 25th with a regular cetrified mail,however they reached the USCIS on December 4th. (before Thanksgiving weekend. )

Thus my OPT request got denied as documents were received after the 30 day gap period.

I appealed sending them a letter from my DSO saying that the documents were send ontime, but got delayed in transit.


The USCIS denied it saying that there is no new evidence in the case and they will not open it, however advised me to apeal again.


I found out that I can ask my DSO to ammend the date for the OPT recommendation so she can change to the later date, in order to fall into the 30 day gap, as as error was made on her end.

She said she tried doing it but SEVIS wants USCIS to provide them with some kind of documentation of what they need to let my DSO either ammend the date or issue a new OPT.

What should I request from the USCIS?


Please advise if you know anything that can be done in such cases.


Thank you.



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