H1B In Transfer Stage but Looking for a Change With Another Employer


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- I was working for a company-A with an H1B valid till End of 2014.

- I changed to Company-B and the H1B transfer is in progress but started working on H1B receipt.

- I was told my Company-A will revoke my H1B (Its been 6 months now)

- Now I am looking for a job change to Company-C



Can I join the Company-C while my H1B is in transfer with Company-B and possibly my Company-A had already revoked the initial H1B with them/A



If I can join Company-C, what do I have to do and the Company-C



In case, if the transfer to company-B get denied; what options do I have.


Please share if any other best practice for a smooth transition.


Appreciated your time and guidance on this.

Kind Regards,

H1B Consultant


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