Stamping visa while in OPT/taking class


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Hello all. I filed for OPT in March and still waiting for my EAD card to arrive. It should arrive by end if May I was planning in graduating this May, I went to graduation ceremony but I still have to retake a class during the summer. I definitely have to go back home (Colombia) for 2 weeks in June. The problem is my visa expires May 30, 2014. My original plan if I had graduated completely in May was to wait for my ead card, get a job letter (saying that I was expected to start working when I returned from Colombia) and have all the other necessary paperwork in order to apply for a new visa stamp when I went back home in order to reenter the US. I know there was still a risk involved with that plan. Now that I have to take this class from May 12th to July 3rd ( I will be leaving from June 10th to June 25th, already talked to the professor and he will permit me to leave and ill do the missed work home). I will eventually get a letter from my department and international office stating that I have to take this summer course in order to complete my undergraduate degree. So what recommendations do you give me ? Should I cancel my opt (the isss office recommended not to). Should I travel to my home country and apply for a new visa stamp with ead card, job offer, letter from the university stating I have to do the summer course ? If so to be safe when will be better for me to apply for it in Colombia? either in May before it expires, or in June after it has expired? Also, now that I have the letter saying I need to return to school in order to finish my degree in the summer,could I apply for the visa without the ead card (still pending) ? Any feedback I will deeply appreciate it. My goal is to be able to travel in June for 2 weeks and be safe to get a new visa stamp and return safely to the US for finishing my class and doing my OPT. If there is a big risk associated then I will certainly chose not to travel in June, but I really want to go. Thanks and I hope you can reply.

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