Invite fiance on visitors visa


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I am currently on H1-B visa and recently got engaged. I wanted to invite my fiance on visitor's visa. What would be the best approach to make sure she gets the visitor visa? She is currently working in India as a Chartered Accountant. 


Shes planning on applying by herself (with help from an agent). In this case, what all documents would be required for the visa and how much money should she show in her bank accounts? Does she need to have her own account, or she can be a joint nominee/account holder on her parents account? Can we show Fixed Deposits/Other investments on her name or they only care about the money in the bank accounts? 


Also, in the near future once we get married, she will be coming on dependent (H-4) visa. In case her visitor visa is rejected, will that increase her rejection chances of her dependent visa too?


Thanks for your help and time!

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