h1b only approved for 5 years and 10 months, please help!


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My first H1B was approved at 10/01/2010---08/04/2013, and extension is 08/05/2013----08/04/2016 
It is 5 years and 10 months in total. 

HR in current company told me the 2 month missing of my first H1B could be caused by the LC expiration date (or prevailing wage expiration date) of my h1b. 

I will change my job recently and do H1B transfer, the new company will apply Green Card in 1 year, so this missing 2 months in H1B is so important for me. 

Could you please help to advise if I can get those 2 months back while doing the H1B transfer? 

Thanks so much for your help in advance.
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