H1B-H4-H1B And 6 Years


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1.I came to USA On H4 Visa after around 1 year applied for H1B Visa.

2.I was on h1b visa for around 4years.

3.During recession time i changed my status to H4 and stayed back in USA as dependant.

4.One year back i again changed to H1B status and continued working.

5.Now i am planning to apply GC Processing as i am reaching 6 year period(h1b) if i calculate from beginning,


Question is as i changed status inbetween will 6 years period starts again from begining or it will be calculated from begining. Please take time and give me suggestions.




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1.I came to USA On H4 Visa after around 1 year applied for H1B Visa.

2.I was on h1b visa for around 4years.

3.During recession time i changed my status to H4 and stayed back in USA as dependant.

4.One year back i again changed to H1B status and continued working.

5.Now i am planning to apply GC Processing as i am reaching 6 year period(h1b) if i calculate from beginning,


Question is as i changed status inbetween will 6 years period starts again from begining or it will be calculated from begining. Please take time and give me suggestions.




6 years start from the time you moved to H1B and stayed on H1B status. Time spent on H4 status is not counted to 6 years on H1B.

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