Business visa clarification


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I am from India, working in Software Industry

Here is my information

1. Married, No Child

2. Working in Software Industry since 9 years+ with full time with permanent job

3. Am also working as Part time/freelance for US Start-up,  This company invited me to participate in this program for 3 months and they will reimburse my travel + accommodation cost on receipt submission.


Now I am planning to come to US on business visa for 3 months training for start up company, So i am going to apply for 3 months leave in my full time company as i said above in #2.


My Questions

1. What documents i need to take for India consular interview?

2. How do i convenience to US Consulate about my freelance and full time work?

3. How can I tell to consulate that current full job is  linked with your visit?

4. US consulate do any verification with my current employer as it cause concern to me.

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You can NOT work for the US company while here on a business visa.

For the B1, ALL income has to be from a foreign employer.

Abuse of the B1 will result in lots of problems for you. And if you lie, as you seem to intend, you will get banned for life!

Rule #1: NEVER NEVER NEVER lie to an immigration official.

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