Pending 485- elligibilty to apply for medical college


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My daughter is doing her Bachelor degree with pending 485 and advance paroled stamped. She was eligible for FAFSA and also got scholarships form Florida state and considered as in state


Now She want to apply for medical college. 

Is it required for her to apply medical college that she should be having a green card ?

Does she eligible based on pending 485 and advance paroled ?


Anybody went through the process?



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First, you daughter is not eligible for FAFSA federal financial aid until her I-485 adjustment of status (AoS) application has been approved and she has received her actual permanent residency visa (green card).  FAFSA is only available to citizens and permanent residents.  Your daughter is not yet a permanent resident while her I-485 AoS applications is in process / pending.  (I recently checked with the financial aid department at the major U.S. public university where my daughter attends to find out the steps for changing from an international to U.S. student and filing FAFSA.)


As for applying to medical school, until her I-485 AoS application has been approved and she has received her actual permanent residency visa (green card), she would be dong so as an international student.  It is up to the university and their rules and requirements regarding medical school applications by international students.

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