Are H-4 holders eligible for Obamacare?


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Why would a spouse not enroll in the company health plan that the H1 employer of the spouse offers? These group health plan are pretty much always better than than the plans offered under the ACA.

I'm sure that the employer's health plan is better but that's not the point. The question is regarding the legality/eligibility of H-4 holders participating in Obamacare. Why they might want to, is irrelevant, people have all sorts of reasons.

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please be more "social", socialguy :)


as for your question - any legal resident of US is eligible for Obamacare.

Thank you. That's what I was looking for, a straight answer.

As for being "social", I believe I was. I didn't appreciate being demanded for an "explanation" that obviously I didn't want to get into. Had I not been social, my response would've been "it's none of anyone's darn business" :)

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