Can students on H4 convert to F1 in summer semester?


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My spouse got admission to university for this summer semester, we are planning to apply for COS from H4 to F1, can one join the MS program in summer semester with F1 or need to wait until fall semester? or in other words international students can start their college in summer semester?



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This is not as much an immigration question, as an university / college policy question.  It is up to the university / college if they allow a newly admitted international students to start in the summer semester.


One determining factor can be that the university / college does not have full time studies in the summer semester, and thus international students on a F-1 visa cannot start in the summer semester.  However, for the situation posted, if the spouse was on a H-4 visa, then they could start in the summer semester on that visa and then change to a F-1 visa in the fall semester when they became a full-time student.

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