Reason for issuing more f1 visas


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What is the reason behind increasing the quota of f1 visas,will all f1 students get opportunity to get opt and stem extension??


You must have heard some unsubstantiated rumor or other misinformation as there is no quota on F-1 student visas and no active legislation to make a change.

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What is the reason behind increasing the quota of f1 visas,will all f1 students get opportunity to get opt and stem extension??

I mean the number of F1 visas issued  are nearly three times the number of visas issued last year and before ,what might be the reason behind giving so many visas??

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I mean the number of F1 visas issued  are nearly three times the number of visas issued last year and before ,what might be the reason behind giving so many visas??

Many students from other countries are interested to travel abroad for US education. And, where did you get the info that F1 visas are issued 3 times more compared to last year and before?

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I mean the number of F1 visas issued  are nearly three times the number of visas issued last year and before ,what might be the reason behind giving so many visas??

Who told you that? You should stop listening to rumors.

And visas are entry documents. People may have had a COS, and only got a visa when they traveled abroad.

In short, the number of visas doesn't mean anything. The number of students in F1 *status* matters.

Really, stop trying to worry about something as irrelevant as the number of visas issued.

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goog golly..take the moral policing down a notch..


Not everthing is black & white..even though there is not an officail quota number for F1 visa, the issuance of F1 visa is at the discretion of consular officers who act per the state department's policy..they can definitely control the 'rejections(approvals)' of F1 visas for a pre detrmined limit..



the first wave of increase in F1 students from india started after Bill clinton visited india and agreed to increase 'coooperation' b/n the two largest democracies..


just couple of years back Hillary visited india and she noted in her speech that more indian students will be 'encouraged' to study in it ..

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People apply at universities. There is no country quota for that. Universities decide on their own who to accept or deny.

This whole "encouragement" or "increased cooperation" are just political soundbites. Sure, it may have resulted in more people from India applying at US universities. But it doesn't affect the approval criteria.

Political speeches are rather detached from reality. Heck, the current administration was even spying on their "friendly" foreign leaders. There is a saying attributed to Churchill: Countries don't have friends, countries have interests.

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