h1b transfer approved only for 1 year - need suggestion


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i am doing this post again as i am not sure why the earlier post is not showing up.

Basically, i am employed with a company A for the last 3years 3 months. my first 3 year h1b visa expired in oct 2013 and was further extended for 3 years (till oct 2016) with the same company A. this company A has also filed for my PERM last month.

I got an offer from company B last year and h1b transfer has just been approved but only for 1 year. I have not yet joined company B. Company B has promised to file for my GC as soon as i join them. I have following questions:

1. i have read somewhere that an extension to H1b can only be approved if there is a GC application pending for at least 365 days (not sure if this condition is only for extensions beyond 6 years). Since company B will not have 365 days before my h1b with them expires, can they still file for my extension for remaining 2 years approx (out of total 6 years on h1b)?

2. In case company B does not even file for my GC in the next one year, can they still file for extension of my h1b for another 2 years (approx remaining out of total 6 years h1b)?

3. Since company A has already filed for my PERM and i have h1b approved till 2016 with them, is it better to stick to them so that i will have till 2016 to get i-140 etc approved?

the reason i wish to join company B is that they are giving me a better profile.

Any suggestions in this regards will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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