4 Year and 1 Day Rule for citizenship?


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Is this Rule applicable in my case.Please give me info on this.


1. I became a Permanent Resident on January 16th, 2008.


2. I lived in the United States for 15 Days, then returned to India on Feb 1st '2008  for 1 year 6 months and 12 days.
3. I got a Re-entry Permit before leaving the United States so that i could keep my Permanent Resident status.
4. I re-entered the United States with Permanent Resident status on August 13th, 2009. 
Question: When am I eligible to apply for Citizenship?
Question: Can I apply right now?


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You should be able to apply as long as you did not have extended trips for more than six months since you reentry on August 2009. You covered both the contnuous residence and the physical presence rewuired for naturalization but of course you need to cover other requirments.

Good Luck

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