Filing Form I-539 H1B extension


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 While applying I-539 form, its been mentioned that 
"Have you, or any other person included in this application, ever been arrested or convicted of any criminal offense since last entering the United States?" Is this statement should be considered only from last entering the united states? because I was arrested and convicted for one of the issue before I was going out of United States. 
After I came back to United states, there were no issues. So Can I answer this question as "NO"

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 While applying I-539 form, its been mentioned that 

"Have you, or any other person included in this application, ever been arrested or convicted of any criminal offense since last entering the United States?" Is this statement should be considered only from last entering the united states? because I was arrested and convicted for one of the issue before I was going out of United States. 

After I came back to United states, there were no issues. So Can I answer this question as "NO"

First of all H1B extension has to be filed by employer or employer's attorney and not you. If you committed any crime in US irrespective of the year you have committed you would have to disclose it. So, your answer has to be YES.

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