Perdiem /LCA...Urgent


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I have visa interview in 3 weeks and i have few questions..

  1. I travel to multiple locations for the same client & I have perdiem on my paystubs..what document proof should I be carrying?


           Is the scanned copies of hotel & food receipts enough or do I need to carry the original receipts?


            Anyone with Perdiem on paystubs, can you guys share your experience..


  1. My LCA states salary as 73 K and my gross salary on pay stubs is 135 k which includes 20 k for perdiem (with receipts) and net pay is 115k, would it be a problem?


Please respond as soon as you can..


Thank you very much..



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Thank you guys..


Do i need to carry original receipts or scanned copies are enough?


Also, do i need to have the expense reports that i submit to my company?


Also, does per diem mean that company has to pay the amount set by GSA or can they pay only based on the actual receipts?

E.g.: If the perdiem meal rate for the location is $70,but the actual receipts are only for $40..does company have to still pay $70 or can they pay only $40..what is the standard procedure?

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Thank you guys..


Do i need to carry original receipts or scanned copies are enough?


Also, do i need to have the expense reports that i submit to my company?


Also, does per diem mean that company has to pay the amount set by GSA or can they pay only based on the actual receipts?

E.g.: If the perdiem meal rate for the location is $70,but the actual receipts are only for $40..does company have to still pay $70 or can they pay only $40..what is the standard procedure?

they pay only for the bills you put in.....

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nagarjuna - per diems are as per company policy, it has nothing to do with your salary. What you are mentioning doesn't sound like per-diem to me. 


Typically per-diems are flat rate - you get $xx and need not show receipts. What you're mentioning is essentially a travel reimbursement policy with a ceiling ($70). This has nothing to do with H1 paperwork. I've personally never heard anywhere that you need to show expense reports for visa interviews.

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