Effects of dismissed case on future


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Dear Guys,


I have been living in US from past 8 years. Three years ago I have been charged with Class A misdemeanor family violence case and later after doing 24 weeks of classes my case was dismissed. 

I really committed the mistake and with help of my wife and family, we are able to get everything back on track and blessed with children. Now we are attempting to visit India after four years and planning for H1B visa stamping(Recently got after 6th year extension on I-140 for 3 years).
I have not escaped and went through the legal system and did the family counseling and battery intervention and prevention course. Finally family court dismissed the case in the span of 30 weeks.
I'm carrying all the certified court orders and counseling certifications. Please suggest me how to prove that I have really managed to become normal. Either way I'm ready to accept the destiny, but want to fight for my wife and kids, and do not want to make them suffer for my mistake.
I have consulted murthy firm for their suggestions, but their answer was "depends on officer discretion". Please provide me your valuable inputs/experiences and help a family raise for their future.
I'm like you.
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Neither you not your family was ever guaranteed a future in the US.  I do not understand why you believe that they will suffer because of your DV charges since you appear to have complied with the orders of the court. 


Since you have already consulted very experienced immigration law specialists, I do not know what more you expect from a forum.

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Your attorney is the best person to advise you and assist you in positioning your petition for the highest change of a positive outcome. I expect that he would advise that you have little to worry about.


I would also like to suggest that you and your spouse continue with family counseling as additional evidence of your commitment to a improved, DV free relationship. Stresses such as immigration processing are difficult on marriages and families.  Your therapist will suggest the frequency that is appropriate for your situation. It is one thing to say that you did what the court ordered and far better to be able to say that you went over and above what was required.

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