Issue with my name mismatch in passport , I 797 and SSN


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Please help me. I am currently on H1b and facing any issue while applying for a DL at california DMV. My name is listed as following in 

Passport :

Surname : AAA
Givenname : BBB CCCC DDD

SSN : Two words of my given name are kept as initials and it reflects as "DDD BC AAA"

I797 : I recently filed for my extension. the first I797 petition shows my name correctly " BBB CCC DDD AAA" on the I 94 but the beneficiary name shows as AAA, B DDD

I 797 extension : Now on the new petition both the name and beneficiary name shows as AAA, B DDD.

My visa stamping is on old petition. When I went to the DMV they are saying the names are different and asking me to change the name on passport. I need proper guidance in this issue. I see name mis match is a common issue. Please advise me. Thanks a ton for the help.

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