Can we withdraw B2 COS application, and other questions!!


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I was on L2 status till August end and have my H1B COS approved starting October 1 '2013.

To be able to stay in USA during the month of September, I had applied for B2 visa for myself for only the month of September, i.e. till 30th September.

Now my questions are as follows:

1. I have applied B2 only till 30th September. Will USCIS approve this for September end only or they may approve this till any other future date as well?

2. Can I withdraw this B2 visa application by September end, so that I can continue on H1B, starting October without any 0need to apply for any further COS. Or since, I have applied this till only September end, withdraw is not required?

3. In case, USCIS denies my B2, then will it be OK for me to continue here on my H1B without going back to India for stamping?

Thanks in advance, for your replies!


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