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    I have finished my masters and applied for OPT. I received a RFE which is asking evidence if I have taken CPT. I requested for a CPT from the university for Spring and submitted employer letter. I was offered CPT I20 and after getting the CPTI20 due to some personal reasons I never worked in CPT (not even a single day) and I did not know at that tine that I have  to cancel the CPT and I never canceled the CPT. In summer I was able to find an Internship and requested for a CPT I20 and by the time I started working, as I was expecting the CPT I20 to arrive  from the univ as I already placed the request. 2 months passed as my employer was asking for the work documents. I requested for the document from my University because they were delaying it and they said they approved it and I can collect it. Unfortunately after 2 days of I speaking to the University that university got raided and they lost their sevis access.


                                As told by USCIS to take transfer to different Univ I transferred to a accredited and  decent University and finished my Masters. I was in an impression that I have an CPT approved. Now they got their SEVIS back and I am asking them for my CPT I20 and they told me that my CPT was not approved and they dont have any CPT I20. I asked that I was told that my CPT I20 was accepted and I can collect next week. I am not able to get correct information from any one in the Univ.  Now I have a RFE asking evidence if i have taken a CPT. 


I Have 2 questions ahead to answer and dont know what documents to submit


1. I took CPT but never used it and don't know what document should I submit to explain them that I have not used CPT.

2. I worked for 2 months and later realized that my CPT I20 was not accepted which is not legal.


                 I know I have done foolish things but dont know what to do now. Can you please give me some suggestion what to do in this situation.




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Care to tell us which university that was?

From some of the timeline, it looks like **** (since they were raided in summer of 2011.)

I doubt that you get anything useful out of the remains of ****, since they are out of business.


You worked illegally, and that will likely mean you won't get OPT.

You should discuss your situation in detail with a good immigration lawyer.

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