URGENT 60 Grace Period after OPT


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I am sorry but this is sort of urgent...

My OPT expired on 7/17/2013, and my 60 day opt grace period expires on 9/15/2013.


I transferred my SEVIS from the school I graduated from on 9/3/2013, and my new school received my SEVIS from my old school on9/5/2013.


It looks like I won't be able to have my new I 20 until next week, which would be past 9/15. SEVIS system is down for maintenance today, if it didn't, then I would've been able to get it by today. So here's the question:


1. Do I have to get a new i 20 before my grace period expires?

2. I asked the admission advisor at my new school and she said once my new school receives my SEVIS, which it did, a new grace period is generated, and I can be in the states even without a new I 20 for 30 days???? But I cannot find such regulation online and she cannot provide it. Anyone knows about it?


Thank you.


A Very Frustrated Student here.

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