Applying for B1, with a H1 petition in initial review for FY14


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I have been asked to travel on B1  to client office, meanwhile I applied for H1 visa through a start-up in April. The H1 petition is currently in Initial Review.


The DS-160 form ( for my B1 application), has a section titled Previous US travel. I have never been to US and have never applied for a US visa (except for H1B petition filed this April ).


-They have this question in the form: Has anyone ever filed an immigrant petition on your behalf with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services? 

I am not sure if H1B petition comes under non immigrant status, its dual intent. Will the answer to this question be no.


-Does this B1 application have any impact on my H1 i.e In case my B1 gets rejected. Please note that my client has very high credibility with USCIS so not expecting a rejection.


Thanks in advance for the help



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