Re entering US in 3 weeks after staying for 6 months.!!


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Hi All,

My mom just left USA on 08/11. I wanted to see how soon she can re enter in US. I am planning to book her tickets after 3 weeks. During the first visit she couldn't roam around United States as Me and my Sister both had babies and we couldn't travel much during that period. So she had to stay at my sister's place after attending my wife's baby shower


But since now my son is 5 months old, I want to take her around to different places within USA. So, I wanted her to come back again.


Please advice me what will be the consequences when she comes back to US ?

I know she will be questioned while entering USA. But I can provide her with a write up explaining the reason behind her visit




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Please advice me what will be the consequences when she comes back to US ?

I know she will be questioned while entering USA. But I can provide her with a write up explaining the reason behind her visit



You don't have a good reason to explain. When your mom visited last time, didn't you know that your sister was pregnant?

Don't be in a rush, tell her to visit next year.

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A visitor should be more in his or her home country than in the US.

After a visit of 6 months, it is recommended to be in the home country for at least a year before visiting again.


Oh, and your explanation is rather laughable. If she couldn't visit places, she could have shortened her visit. It looks as if she was baby-sitting, which is not allowed for visitors.

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