H1B legal status - needs confirm


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I am working in university A with H1B until 2013 Aug 20, and then working for university B with H1B transfer. However, university B applied my transfer with the starting date of Aug. 15th. So I will have two H1B working permit with overlapping for 6 days. 


In fact, what I am going to do is: working and get wage from university A until Aug. 20, and then register in the payroll list of university B starting from Aug 21 (i.e. getting salary from university B from Aug. 21) 


The reason that I could not join university B on Aug. 15th, is because they just filed the application, and premium processing normally needs 15 days, so It is almost impossible to join university B as expected on Aug. 15th. In order to keep my status, I think I need to be still stay with University A with my current H1B until 20 Aug. 


Is this case legally handled? Thanks. Just want to confirm with you experts.

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