Any one for toronto Aug 19th


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Hello All,


Firstly Thanks to Murthy's Forum and those who have contributed to that. I have appeared today for my stamping today and was successful in getting the visa and now waiting for Waybill number :)


I had a common Muslim name and was little worried before my apperance today, But on the other side I was confident and carried all the documents that is possible .


Here is the interview snapshot:


VO : Whom do you work for, What is your salary, Explain the roles and When was the last visit to India.


Then came the golden words VISA approved.


Those who all appearing for Toronto consulate please reach consulate a little early to your appt time as the queue is slight long and be prepare to wait for atleast an hour + in the line and Good Luck!!!


Be confident and carry all the documents that might help VO to decide on your case.


Thanks again to all of the members.



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Hi New2You,


Could of questions.


1. You work on which Model? EVC or Employer-Client model?

2. If EC model - where did you goto work? Clients location or Employer's primary location?

3. What did you answer for - what client you work for? If you are working at employer location.


I have my stamping next month and I am working on EC model. Kind of confused, what answers to give, to VO questions.




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