actual pay less than LCA but adjusted now


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hi ,


I had to go to stamping next week and we realised that my current salary is less than salary that was disclosed in LCA which is purely an overlook error while setting up the payroll.


    My current pay that my employer is paying is 72K per annum for 2013 ( 6 pay checks of 6000 dollars each).


LCA is filed for my work location on January 2013 with salary of 89K per annum. Prevailing wage is 80k.


So my employer ran couple of pay roll adjustments for  6 months from january to june ( one for 4800 and other for 4000) so that I would make up to the 89k mark.


Now I have 6  pay stubs with 6 months and 2 pay roll adjustment pay stubs ( which shows the pay period from 01/01/2013 to 06/31/2013).


Will this be a problem at the interview . I have an interview scheduled in canada next week.


Any help will be highly appreciated. Also if you could suggest an attorney to get any detail suggestion on this is also helpful.





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