Correcting Date of Birth in Indian Passport after I 140 approval

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I am in the middle of my green card processing and have got my I-140 approved now (Priority Date is 2011 ). 

My Date of Birth in all my records (Passport,Visa,SSN,10th Grade) is 20-May-1980 
but my actual DOB in Birth Certificate is 21-Jan-1980. I am planning to correct my Date of Birth in my Indian Passport now. 

I was planning to go to chicago consulate and get it fixed along with my renewal. Experts or experienced people your advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated in my current situation. 
Below are my concerns and questions. 

1) Do I need to amend the Visa and get it corrected to the new DOB ? Is there any complication in this ? 
2) Do I need to change my SSN or DOB in SSN ?. 
3) Do I need to start my GC again ? 
4) Do I need to amend the I140 ? 


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