H1B transfer/extension with I140 from a different company


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I'm with Company A on H1 for 6 years, and that is expiring is the next few months.

I filed GC with Company B, and have got my I140 approved.


Now, the question is,

1. Can I only join Company B (with whom i have GC filed) with H1 transfer, and get it extended for another 3 more years ?


2. Can I also join a new Company C directly, and use my I140 from company B, to get my H1B extended for 3 years ?



Please advise.



Thank You


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Generally, any comany can file an H1B using an approved I-140 petition filed by a different employer as long as the I-140 is still valid at the time of filing. However, if you do not plan to join the I-140 company when you receive your green card, then the new company should start a new green card process on your behalf. Please schedule a consultation with an experienced immigration attorney to discuss the specific facts of your case and the different options that may be available to you.

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