H1B Transfer in 6th year (urgent)


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I am currently working with Employer A, and am in 6th year of my H1B. My H1B 6th year end date is April 2014. Employer A had filed my PERM on March 2013, one year before my H1B end date. I have below questions:


#1 Employer B is willing to Transfer H1B along with one year of H1B extension (April 2015). This extension will be filed based on my Employer A->PERM (this PERM got filed one year before in March 2013) end of H1B date (April 2014). Are there any issues around such Transfer + Extension cases?


#2 If for some reason, this Transfer + Extension request got denied then, Will there be any issue/problem for Future H1B extension with same employer based on current PERM? Do I need to mention this H1B Extension denied, while filing H1B Extension (in future) with Current Employer A?


Thank you!

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