Successful B-2 Visa at Mumbai Consulate


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Just wanted to share the visa experience at Mumbai Consulate on 8th July 2013


This was a visitor/tourist B-2 visa interview for my younger sister.


Interview Qs:

- Why are you going to US?

---- To visit my elder brother, sis-in-law and 1 yr old nephew.


- What does he do?

---- He works in xyz company as abc.


- What visa is he on?

----- H-1B


- What do you do?

---- I work in xyz company as abc


- What is the kind of work your company does? 

---- we work in xyz areas...etc etc


- Why are you traveling now?

--- We've been planning for a while but because of work and other requirements I couldn't travel earlier.  It is slightly better now so we finally decided to make travel plans.


Okay, your visa is approved.


<< No documents asked, total interview time ~2 mins>>>>



Basically, I think a candidate has to prove two points convincingly.

1) Not a potential immigrant to US

2) Not going to work illegally in the US



Hope this helps.


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