H1b transfer problem- Please suggest


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I transferred my H1b from company A to company B and resigned from A after getting the receipt.

On the day when my new project was scheduled to start, the client delayed the project start date by 2 weeks and I could not go back to my previous employer as they found a replacement and did not have any other position.


Now after 2 weeks also, the client is still not sure when the project will start and I am stuck. My h1b transfer was filed using the client and project details and my employer B says that I should be working for that client only and is aksing me to wait. But I am afraid about what if the porject gets scrapped or is delayed by a month or so. 

Please let me know if I can join some other project and in case I get the RFE, can I submit the client letter etc of the new client.


I really appreciate your response. 

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