DS-160-pretrial diversion and community service question


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I had shoplifting case dismised on pretrial  diversion which required  comunity service  for 2 days.

Now for stamping in india,in DS-160 there is  a question that asks:


"Have you belonged to, contributed to, or worked for any professional, social, or charitable organization?" if yes I need to mention the organization


I would like to know if I hav to put  an yes to this question.Apart from tose 2 days I have never  contributed to any voluntairy service and Iam not attached to or even visisted  any such organization before or after  those  2 days.


I appreciate if knowlwgable persons like ponteveciio/attorney 21/bigjoe etc  to guide me  as to should I put "yes ' or "no" and how signnificant is this quetion



Thanks in advance





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