Canada Visa for H1B Stamping


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Everyone ,

Im in the process of applying for my canada Visitor visa to get my H1B Stamped .Have few questions ....

a) As per my understanding ,There is no way of getting a canada visior visa thru Walk-In ...

b)The processing time shows 21 days ,Is there no other way of getting it quicker ...

c)I also checked ,There is no way to apply online (the applcation part)..It is all paper application either submitted in-person or sent thru


Any inputs ,Highly appreciated .


a. It may still be possible to apply walk-in at either NY or LA Consulate. However, I am not 100% sure. And, they say you apply in person or online, it takes the same amount of time.

b. Keep in mind by the day you submit your application online, it may take 21 days to ask you to send the original passport. It may take less or more depending on which consulate you choose. I chose LA consulate and it took 17 days for me. Once you hear from them, you send them your original passport and return self addressed envelope. By the time I received my original passport from LA consulate, it was nearly 30 days from the day I submitted application online.

c. Wrong. You can submit application online. I have done that in first week of April this year.


The site says ,To apply online .....

  • Register or log in using GCKey or Sign In Partner (SecureKey Concierge); and
  • Register or log into MyCIC

Is this correct ? .How did you apply it ? .....I dont think i can have either of this .....



I have Canada PR which I got it in July 2009 , after that I had been to Canada PR Stamping for 1 day and did my Immigration process and they gave me landing document as well , and came back to US the next day and starting working as usual. Now my Canada PR is going to expire this July 2013.

And one more thing is , I am planning to attend US Visa @ Toronto - Canada. But the thing is I dont have US visa to come back if anything goes wrong.

And I dont know whether my Canada PR is still existing / expired or not.

If anyone has any knowledge or have experienced the above can you please give me some information.



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