Re entering US with a passport expiring in 3 months on H1b


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I am posting this question on behalf of my friend who is in INDIA currently

“ I am working in US on an H1b visa. I have an Indian passport and currently am in India on a vacation. I am returning to USA on June 25th 2013. But my current passport will expire on Oct 5th 2013 and I don't have enough time to get my passport renewed from India. Would I be able to re enter US even if my passport has only 3 months before it expires?"

I am planning to file for an H1b extension as soon as I reach USA since my current H1b expires in July,2013 but do I need to wait to get my H1b extended before I can apply for premium passport renewal here in USA? If I apply for premium passport renewal immediately after arrival , that is in June 2013, can I get new paasport issued with 10 year validity based upon my current visa which is valid until July 2013.

Please help,

Thank you!

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Your main issue will be getting your passport extended before you apply for H1 extension. Not the other way round. Timelines seem to be tight.

In some states getting a tatkal appointment takes two months, depending on the location, tatkal may not be an option.

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