Relationship to sponsor - B2 extension


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My mother arrived to US in Dec 2012 and her I-94 expires in Jun 2013. I would like to extend her stay for another three months and I am filling the I-539 form. I am a graduate student with part-time assistatntship.

Instead of me, can my cousin fill I-134 on behalf of my mother? If so, I have few questions and I would be glad if any of you could answer for me.

1) How do I show the proof of relationship between my cousin and my mother? (lastnames are different)

2) My cousin lives in a different place than we are. Will it be a problem to have my address in I-539 and my cousin's address in I-134?

3) Can I fill out I-134 sponsoring for her food and housing and my cousin for remaining responsibilites (travel expesnses, medical insurance etc.)?

Thank you!

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My mother arrived to US in Dec 2012 and her I-94 expires in Jun 2013. I would like to extend her stay for another three months and I am filling the I-539 form. I am a graduate student with part-time assistatntship.

Instead of me, can my cousin fill I-134 on behalf of my mother? If so, I have few questions and I would be glad if any of you could answer for me.

1) How do I show the proof of relationship between my cousin and my mother? (lastnames are different)

2) My cousin lives in a different place than we are. Will it be a problem to have my address in I-539 and my cousin's address in I-134?

3) Can I fill out I-134 sponsoring for her food and housing and my cousin for remaining responsibilites (travel expesnses, medical insurance etc.)?

Thank you!

Very first question, what's the reason for extension???

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@omshiv: Thank you for letting me know.

Due to the weather restrictions and my PhD research, I could not able to take her to some places as we planned. I thought of extending for another three months, so that we could visit other places. Instead of having a denial, I will prefer to send her home before her I-94 expiry date.

Thanks again!

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Due to the weather restrictions and my PhD research, I could not able to take her to some places as we planned. I thought of extending for another three months, so that we could visit other places.

that's not a good reason to apply for ext.

If you do so, then it might effect her future visits.

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