Stamping in Toronto without MS in USA


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Hi All,

I am planning to get my visa stamped in Toronto, Canada, but I dont have an MS degree in USA.

I have been in USA for more than 7+ years and have all the necessary documentation.

Can anyone please advise if I should be going for the same.

Is there any restriction that non MS students couldnt go to Toronto or other consulates in USA.



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If you have previously received an H-1B visa stamp in your home country, then you should be able to apply for the subsequent visa in Canada. You may be able to find contact information on the consulate web site such that you can contact the consulate and ask them if they accept visa applications from people in your particular circumstance.

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Thanks for the info. I had sent the consulate an email asking whether I can apply for the stamping. They replied that I can apply but the last decision to issue the visa will be with the VO. I had my previous 3 stampings done in India. This is my 4th stamping (2nd with my current employer).

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