H1B 5th year extension Application receipt pending status


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I am in India for my h1B stamping, and currently I am in the 5th year. I submitted the application through drop box on march 21 and today morning I saw the status as Application receipt pending. I have seen a lot of info on Application pending but not "Application Receipt Pending". Here are my questions, I would greatly appreciate if any one could respond. Thanks in advance.

  1. What does the status mean?
  2. Is this the same as Application status pending?
  3. If it is so then at this point, how long does it usually take for processing?
  4. I used the drop box at Bangalore, but I was informed that it was sent to Mumbai, would that mean because it has been sent to Mumbai it is taking this long for the status to even show up and hence the pending receipt notice.

Please do respond, thanks in advance.

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