Pay stubs inconstancy. ---Vancouver may 8th


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I have my stamping date at Vancouver on may 8th.

There are fluctuations in my pay stubs (from $200-$300) every month (paid on hourly basis), will that be an issue when VO checks them ?

What should i say if he/she ask me any question regarding the fluctuations. is it advisable to have a consistent pay stubs.

Thanks much.

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You can Say i worked some overtime. My case was also similar and when VO asked i told him the same. No issues at all you will get stamped without any trouble.

Thanks Bud, also the salary listed on my LCA is per hour not annually, will that be an issue too. what should i say to VO if he/she ask me about my salary--should I say $xxxxx anually or per hour, as on my employer letter it mentioned as annually.

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